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 Cline Shale - Well Completion Trend

 Cline Shale Map

 Cline Shale Rig Data : January 19, 2025

Drilling Trends from May 4, 2011 - January 19, 2025

 Cline Shale Overview

What is the Cline Shale?

The Cline Shale an emerging unconventional resource play on the eastern flank of the Midland basin that runs 140 miles north to south and is 70 miles wide. It includes portions of Coke, Fisher, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Nolan, Mitchell, Scurry and Sterling counties. 

The Pennsylvanian-age play, which is largely targeted for its oil and natural gas liquids (NGL) potential, is found between 9,000-9,500 feet and is 200-350 feet thick. Initial estimates indicate the Cline holds more that 30 billion barrels of recoverable oil,…